Your Guide to Wellness

What Does Wellness Mean?

Wellness is not just the absence of physical symptoms or a disease state. True well-being is a balancing act between mind, body and spirit. It is the the foods you ingest, your financial situation, your spirituality, the people you surround yourself with and your ability to prioritize self-care. More importantly, your ability to feel healthy and vital is affected by your hormone balance, sleep quality, level of energy, mood, weight, gut health and mental clarity. And lastly, true healing happens when we can move beyond traumatic experiences and decide to not just survive, but thrive.

Hi, I’m Doctor Heather

As a neuro-endocrine specialist, I believe the relationship between our brain neurotransmitters and hormone (endocrine) glands is the foundation from which we can either move through our days with balance, living life with joy, ease and grace or the opposite - living with constant struggle, strife and a gamut of symptoms. The gut microbiome also plays a key role in this foundation, which is something I focus on with each and every patient. When I help patients create a new foundation across the terrain of our neuro-endocrine system, they have the capacity to heal on a level that is not only life-changing but can dramatically slow down our aging process.

Take the First Step

If you want to achieve wellness in your life and you haven’t felt like yourself lately, now is the time to reclaim your health. Let me help you uncover your best self and begin to thrive.

Fill out the form below or call 208-957-6337 to schedule a consultation.